76 Patision Str., Post Code: 10434 Athens
Previous name:
Advanced School of Economics and Commercial Sciences
Previous name:
Advanced School of Economics and Commercial Sciences
Previous Name
Advanced Agricultural School of Athens
Agricultural University of Athens
It has incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Central Greece
Resulted from:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Crete
It has incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Central Macedonia
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of East Macedonia and Thrace
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Thessaloniki
It has incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of the Ionian Islands
It has Incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Central Greece
Previous Name
Technical and Vocational Teacher Training Institute (SELETE)
It has incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of West Greece (former TEI of Patra)
It has incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of West Greece (former TEI of Patra)
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Peloponnese
Previous name:
Advanced Industrial School of Piraeus
It has incorporated:
University of Central Greece
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Central Greece
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Thessaly (former TEI of Larisa)
Resulted from:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Athens
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of Piraeus
It has incorporated:
Technical Educational Institution (TEI) of West Macedonia (Former TEI of Kozani)